Receiving Discord notifications can be entertaining, but not while you’re trying to concentrate on something else. Don’t the pings get on your nerves if they appear during a really intense gaming session, for example?
We now have numerous options for disabling alerts, thanks to Discord. Mute notifications from a single user, an entire server, or the entire application. It’s simple to do and won’t take up much of your time.
So, here are 5 methods for disabling Discord notifications.
Disable notifications from a specific person by Blocking them
Let’s say you don’t want to hear from a specific individual or people. You don’t need to turn off alerts for the full app in that instance. Simply ban them from your device, and you’ll never have to deal with their notifications again (unless you want to).
When you ban a user, this is what happens:
- In conversations and shared servers, you will not receive notifications about their messages.
- They won’t be able to send you private messages.
- On shared servers, they can still send messages, but you won’t be able to see them.
- By tapping the show messages button, you can view such messages at any moment.
A user can only be blocked from the Desktop. Here’s how to do it:
Blocking a user from Desktop
1. Go to the chat with the person you want to block and block them.
2. You can also find them on the members’ list of any common server/channel or by searching for their username.
3. Right-click on their username to bring up a menu of options.
4. Choose “Block.”
You’ve now successfully blacklisted a user. Good Riddance?
Mute a User to stop getting notifications from them
You don’t have to go all the way to blocking a user to stop receiving notifications from them. You can silence them if you don’t mind receiving communications from them but don’t want continual alerts.
When you silence someone, they become deafeningly quiet.
- When they message you, you will no longer receive notifications.
- In normal voice chats, you won’t be able to hear them.
Muting someone from a desktop.
1. Right-click the username of the person you wish to mute and select Mute from the menu.
2. Select Mute from the drop-down option.
3. You can also specify how long you want them to be muted.
Muting someone from Mobile Device.
1. To mute someone, tap the username of the person you’d like to silence.
2. Choose notifications.
3. You have the option of muting them for a specific amount of time.
Turn off Discord notifications for single/multiple channels.
Is a channel constantly on the rise, disrupting your quiet solitude? It’s really simple to turn off that channel. Simply turn off all alarms from a single track or a group of them from a single screen.
When you mute a channel,
1. You will no longer receive notifications regarding the channel’s messages.
2. You won’t get a popup if someone mentions you, but you will see a red dot outside it.
How to mute a single channel.
On Desktop,
1. To mute a channel, first open it.
2. Right-click on its name.
3. From the popup menu, choose “Mute Channel.”
4. You can also choose how long the channel should be muted.
5. The bell symbol on the right side of the channel profile accomplishes the same thing, however also mutes the channel eternally.
On a mobile device,
1. Click on the name of the channel you wish to mute.
2. The bell icon should be tapped.
3. You can also choose how long the channel should be muted.
4. You can also choose what notifications you want to turn off from the notification settings.
How to Mute multiple channels.
Within the same server, Discord also allows you to mute several channels. Here’s how you can do it:
1. Open the server where you wish to mute the channels.
2. Next to the server name, click the arrow/three dots.
3. A drop-down menu will appear on the desktop, while a different screen will appear on the phone.
4. Make a selection for Notification Settings.
5. Select Notification Overrides from the drop-down menu.
6. From here, you may choose which stations you want to mute.
7. You can also choose whether or not to mute all messages and whether or not to allow @mentions.
Turn off Discord notifications for a server.
Do you wish to slay several birds with a single stone? Simply deactivate a server! It’s simple and quick to do.
When you mute a server,
1. You will not be notified of any communications received within it.
2. If someone @mentions you, the red notification dot will still appear next to it.
On the Desktop:
1. Right-click on the server symbol you want to mute.
2. Select “Mute Server” from the drop-down menu.
3. You may also choose how long you want it muted for.
On a mobile device:
1. To mute a server, open it and tap on its name.
2. The Notifications (bell) symbol should be selected.
3. On the next page, press the “Mute (server name)” button.
4. Choose how long you want the server to be muted.
Disable all Discord notifications from your Device
Turning off all alerts and message notifiers in the app is another simple approach to stop notifications.
From your Desktop,
1. Navigate to Discord settings.
2. Select Notifications from the dropdown menu.
3. You can stop all sounds and notifications from the program by turning off Enable Desktop Notifications.
4. You may also turn off sounds for a range of other features from this menu.
Check this video for more help:
From your phone,
Discord push notifications must be turned off on your phone. This will vary per cellphone model, but you should be able to find it in the general settings.
We hope you found this tutorial useful and that it answered all of your questions. I wish you many joyful, notification-free days in the future!