New Windows 11 Keyboard Shortcuts You Should Try 2021

Learn about the Windows 11 keyboard shortcuts you need to know in this post. Also, take a look at the video that demonstrates these shortcuts.

Last month, Microsoft announced Windows 11. You may download the Preview Build right now and provide feedback to Microsoft on new features. All Windows 10 users who have a PC that meets the Windows 11 basic requirements are eligible for a free upgrade to Windows 11. Windows 11 is slated to be released later this year, as of this writing. We’ll go through the Windows 11 keyboard shortcuts you need to know in this article.

Different apps on Windows 11 may have their own shortcuts, but in this guide, we’ll go over the operating system-wide shortcuts. This article has been broken into two parts for your convenience. In the first section, you’ll learn about a shortcut that includes pressing the Windows key. Read about common keyboard shortcuts in the second section.

List of New Windows 11 Keyboard Shortcuts

The Windows key is used in keyboard shortcuts.

Windows Key
Opens Start Menu or Screen.
Windows Key + E
Open File Explorer.
Windows Key + C
Open Cortana.
Windows Key + S or Windows Key + Q
Open Search (online and offline).
Windows Key + I
Open Settings app.
Windows Key + A Open Action Center.
Windows Key + N Open Notification Center.
Windows Key + H Start voice typing.
Windows Key + F Open Feedback hub.
Windows Key + W Open Widgets.
Windows Key + K Connect to wireless displays and audio devices.
Windows Key + X Open Start context menu.
Windows Key + G Opens Game bar.
Windows Key + [1][2][3][…]
Open programs that are pinned to task bar.
Windows Key + Space Change the input language on your keyboard (only if 2 or more than 2 languages present).
Windows Key + R Open Run.
Windows Key + P Projects current screen.
Windows Key + L
Windows 11 is locked.


Windows Key + D
Display the Windows Desktop.


Windows Key + V
Show the history of the clipboard.


Windows Key + Alt + D
Show the current time, date, and calendar.
Windows Key + O
Adjust orientation.
Windows Key + M
Reduce the number of open windows.
Windows Key + ,
Look around the desktop until you let go of the Windows Key.
Windows Key + Shift + S
With Snip & Sketch, you may capture a portion of the screen.
Windows Key + U
Opens the Accessibility menu.
Windows Key + ; or .
Opens Emoji viewer.
Windows Key + B
Switch between the items in the Notification Area by selecting the first one and pressing the Arrow key.
Windows Key + PrtScr or Windows Key + Fn + PrtScr
Take a snapshot of the current screen and save it to the Screenshots folder in the Pictures library.
Windows Key + T On the taskbar, cycle through the apps.
Windows Key + Tab
Open Task View.
Windows Key + Ctrl + Left / Right  Move to the virtual desktop on the left/right.
Windows Key + Down The current window will be snapped to the bottom of the screen.
Windows Key + Up The current window will be snapped to the top of the screen.
Windows Key + Right Snap the current window to the screen’s right side.
Windows Key + Left The current window will be snapped to the left side of the screen.
Windows Key + Ctrl + D Create a new virtual desktop and switch to it.
Windows Key + Ctrl + F4 Close the current virtual desktop.

Other keyboard shortcuts

The rest of the keyboard shortcuts you should know are mentioned below.

Alt + F4 Closes current program window.
Ctrl + F Opens the Find dialog, which allows you to search the currently running program.
Ctrl + M Enter mark mode, which aids with text selection, particularly in Command Prompt.
Ctrl + Page Up / Page Down Scrolling up / down on current screen or page.
Ctrl + Up / Down Move up / down on current screen or page line by line.
Ctrl + A Choose all content on the screen.
Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Insert
Copies all content on screen to clipboard.
Ctrl + V or Shift + Insert Pastes text at the cursor.
Ctrl + Z
Undo operation.
Ctrl + Y Redo operation, provided if you’ve used Ctrl + Z already.
Ctrl + Page Up / Page Down Scrolling up / down on current screen or page.
Ctrl + Page Up / Page Down Scrolling up / down on current screen or page.
Alt + Tab
This is the good old shortcut for switching between tabs that we’ve been using for years.
Shift + Left / Right / Up / Down Selects text by moving the cursor left a character, right a character, up a line, or down a line. To pick more text, keep pressing the arrow keys.
Ctrl + Shift + Left / Right The cursor is moved one word to the left or right, picking that word in the process.
Shift + Home / End The cursor is moved to the start or finish of the current line, picking text as it goes.
Shift + Page Up / Page Down Selects text by moving the cursor up and down a screen.
Ctrl + Shift + Home / End Moves the cursor to the beginning or end of the screen buffer, choosing all text between the cursor and the beginning or end.


Here’s the video guide illustrating above shortcuts:

That’s about it.

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