This article will help you to fix “MMC could not create the snap-in. The snap-in might not have been installed correctly” in Windows 10/8/7.
The MMC (Microsoft Management Console) is an application in Windows operating system that allows you to manage snap-in on the go. The snap-ins are a basic component of a console. You can see some snap-ins available are Group Policy Editor, Event Viewer, Services, Task Scheduler, Resultant Set of Policy (RSOP), Device Manager, Windows Firewall with advance security, Performance Monitor, Print Management, Disk Management etc in Windows 10/8/7.
However, there may be a possibility of scenario in which some snap-ins may not work properly. Especially, if the registry configuration of a snap-in is broken (Registry Editor is not a snap-in), the snap-in initialization would fail. In this case, you will face following error message (as shown in the picture below)

Name: Event Viewer
CLSID: FX:{b05566ad-fe9c-4363-be05-7a4cbb7cb510}
Here are the methods, you can follow in order to overcome “MMC could not create the snap-in” error in Windows 10/8/7
How To Fix “MMC could not create the snap-in. The snap-in might not have been installed correctly” in Windows 10/8/7
Method 1: Using Registry Editor
Note: Before doing this method, you should create a System Restore point first. Because making mistakes when manipulating registry could affect your system.
Step 1. Press Windows Key + R, type regedit and click OK to open Registry Editor.
Step 2. In the left pane of Registry Editor, you go to following key:
Step 3. Now, you will backup the registry key into .reg file. To do that, right click on the FX:{b05566ad-fe9c-4363-be05-7a4cbb7cb510} and click Export.
Step 4. Next, you right-click on the FX:{b05566ad-fe9c-4363-be05-7a4cbb7cb510} again and click Delete.
Step 5. When the confirmation box, you just click Yes to delete the registry key.
Step 6. Lastly, you can exit the Registry Editor then restart your computer and see if the problem is resolved.
Method 2: Turn on the Microsoft .net Framework
This method can help you fix the MMC Could Not Create The Snap-in error
Step 1. Press Windows key + R to open Run command box.
Step 2. Then you type the following below and tap Enter to open Turn Windows Features On or Off.
Step 3. When the Windows features window occurs, you select Microsoft .net Framework 3.5. You have to expand each component and check the ones you want to turn on.
Step 4. Lastly, restart your computer and check if the problem is resolved.
Hope you find the article useful! Comments are welcomed if you still have any questions regarding how to fix “MMC could not create the snap-in. The snap-in might not have been installed correctly” in Windows 10/8/7. If you have any other Windows and Office related issues you can check for the solution in my Windows fix section.