PDF is the most widely used document format these days, and we frequently find ourselves in situations where we want to perform simple tasks like merging or splitting PDFs, but our standard PDF readers are unable to do so simply because they are not designed to edit PDF files, but rather to allow you to read them.
Let me introduce you to iLovePDF, an online application that allows you to combine, split, compress, unlock, watermark, rotate, and convert PDF files to Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and JPG files on the fly.
See more: How to merge multiple images to a PDF in Windows 11/10
iLovePDF Online PDF Editing Tools
The whole collection includes a number of tools, each of which is explained in detail in the following post.
Merge PDF
You can use the tool to combine two or more PDF files into a single PDF file. You can either upload the files in the order you want them to be combined or drag and drop them anywhere you like.
Split PDF
As the name implies, the utility allows you to divide a PDF file and extract the desired pages. You can construct split ranges by specifying a page number range, and then automatically merge all of the splits into one file.
Compress PDF
The compression tool allows you to reduce the size of a PDF file to its smallest possible size while maintaining its quality. Extreme, Recommended, and Low compression are the three levels of compression offered.
Convert PDF to Word
A PDF file can be converted to a WORD document using the conversion tool. The conversion quality is so outstanding that you won’t notice any differences, and the WORD document will look and feel just like the PDF version.
Convert PDF to PowerPoint
A PDF file can be transformed into a POWERPOINT presentation, with each page of the PDF representing one slide of the presentation.
Convert PDF to Excel
If your PDF files contain tables and data that may be converted to an EXCEL file, the EXCEL converter also works well.
Convert Word to PDF
WORD documents are converted to PDF, which is the finest format for sharing files over the internet or via email.
Convert PowerPoint to PDF
Similarly, it converts POWERPOINT presentations to PDF files, with each slide representing one page in the PDF file.
Convert Excel to PDF
Allows you to convert your spreadsheets as well as a whole EXCEL file to PDF format.
Convert PDF to JPG
This program turns each page of a PDF file into a JPG image and allows you to extract the photos from a PDF file separately.
Convert JPG to PDF
A PDF file can be made from a collection of JPG image files. You may choose their orientation as well as a margin with ease. You can upload the photographs in whatever sequence you choose, or you can reorder them after they’ve been uploaded.
Add Page Numbers to PDF
You can use this fantastic tool to add page numbers to your PDF file. Page numbers can be added to a single page or to pages adjacent to it. You can define the placement of the page number on the page as well as a range of pages where page numbers should be included. In addition, you can select a typeface and its size, as well as the format for page numbers.
Add Watermarks to PDF
A PDF file can have text-based or image-based watermarks. You can change the font’s size and style. Additionally, you can place your watermark in an acceptable location and rotate it to certain common angles.
Unlock PDF
This utility may be used to remove security from PDF files, including passwords and other types of security.
Rotate PDF
The PDFs can be rotated to the proper alignment. The utility recognizes and rotates PDFs to the right orientation automatically.
For around an hour, all of the converted PDF files are available to download from the iLovePDF servers. If you opt to register for service, you will be given free access to additional capabilities such as 2 hours of storage and other strong features within the tools. You can also upgrade to a premium account, which adds even more features and perks. iLovePDF is a fantastic collection of tools that can be used on the go.
In this video, we are gonna show you how to use I love PDF:
To visit iLovePDF, click here.