How To Install iCloud in Windows 10/8/7

In this article, learn how to download and install iCloud in Windows 10/8/7.

With iCloud for Windows, you’ll have your videos, photos, files, mail, calendar, and other important information on the go and on your Windows PC.

How to Download and Install iCloud in Windows 10/8/7

1. Visit this source to download iCloud for Windows.

2. Once the file is downloaded, go to the folder that contains the “iCloudSetup.exe” file and double-click on the file to run the install process.

3. When the install window pops up, read the terms and conditions for iCloud. Click Install.

4. After the installation of iCloud is complete, click Finish to close this installation wizard.

5. Restart your computer.

Now the iCloud will be ready to use.

Checkout this video to illustrate this guide:

Hope something helps you.

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