How To Play GameCube On Android

How To Play GameCube On Android

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, Super Mario Sunshine, Resident Evil 4, The Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, F-Zero GX, and a slew of other titles helped make the Nintendo GameCube a popular favorite. Nevertheless, due to the current generation of consoles that do not support the earlier versions, it has become more difficult to play these old favorites over two decades later. Fortunately, thanks to technological advancements, GameCube games can now be played not just on PCs but also on Android smartphones via an emulator. In this post, I’ll teach you how to go about doing precisely that.

Despite the fact that there are a plethora of emulators available for PCs, only one emulator can run these games quite effectively on Android smartphones. This emulator is known as the dolphin emulator, and it has been available for Windows, Linux, and Mac computers for quite some time, but, in 2013, Android users were ecstatic to learn that Dolphin Emulator for Android had been released. This move propelled the Dolphin Emulator to the top of the list of emulators for players who wish to enjoy the thrills of fantastic GameCube classic games on their mobile devices.

Although the Dolphin Emulator for Android is currently in beta, it is still available for free download on the Google Play Store. Because it’s critical that these apps are legally obtained for your Android smartphone, you’ll need to either get GameCube isos or manually retrieve the ISO files to play them with the best emulator for your device. Though the dolphin emulator has become the most popular on Android, it is not without flaws. Users have complained about compatibility with just a few Android devices, malfunctions, and limitations on which game titles they can play on their smartphones, you can get beyond that, it’s still worth a go, especially if you want to roam around with your mobile device without having to rely on the emulator’s PC version to connect to it. The steps to play GameCube games on Android are as follows:

Step 1: Download the Dolphin Emulator App From Google Play Store

  • Using your Android device’s Google Play Store app;
  • To install, go to the search box and put in “dolphin emulator app,” then click on it.
  • After installing the Dolphin Emulator app, open it and grant permission to access your device storage by pressing the “allow” button in the pop-up menu.

Step 2: Download and extract the GameCube Game ISO File

Every Nintendo GameCube game is available in ISO format, which is a compressed processing file type. Because the Android Operating System operates on APK files, it is incompatible with the ISO file format, which is why you’ll need an emulator to act as a go-between for both file types so they can function smoothly.

It’s possible that the file you download may not be in ISO format, but will instead be compressed in RAR or 7z format. So, before you can use the GameCube emulator Android, you must first extract the file. You’ll need an app to extract the files; I recommend 7Zipper, which is also free to download from the Google Play Store.

  • When you download GameCube isos;
  • Next, you will have to also download and install the 7Zipper app from the Google Play Store;
  • Launch the 7Zipper app to grant permission for access to your device storage;
  • From the app’s screen, navigate to the folder where the compressed GameCube game ISO file has been saved;
    Scroll to the folder to find the compressed 7Zipper file and then press on it;
  • To begin the file extraction procedure (which may take some time), press the “OK” button;
  • The ISO file for your game is now ready to play. You can now download the game and play it on your Android smartphone using the Dolphin Emulator.

Step 3: Launch the Game

The next step is to simply upload the GameCube ISO file to the Dolphin Emulator program once it has been successfully extracted and is ready to use. Once you’ve added a game to the emulator, you’ll be able to play it, manage stored data, and also configure control settings right from the emulator.

  • On your Android device, open the Dolphin Emulator app.
  • At the bottom-right side corner of the screen, press on the “+” icon
  • Navigate to the folder where you have the ready-to-use GameCube ISO file from the screen;
  • Then, at the bottom of the screen, touch the “Select This Directory” button then return to the main screen;
  • You should now be able to view the newly added Nintendo GameCube game title in the Dolphin Emulator;
  • To start the game, tap the game icon and wait for the virtual controller to appear on the screen. You may also connect to a Bluetooth controller and play the game with physical buttons.

If you’ve tried playing GameCube games on your Android device, please let us know about your experience and opinions. Thanks!

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