We’ll teach you how to optimize your Windows 10 device for gaming and optimal performance in this article. Many games coming out this year or in the near future will demand more processing power to perform smoothly on Windows 10 machines. As a result, for seamless operation, you must configure your existing system to function at maximum caliber at all times.
Step-1 Ultimate Power Plan settings-
Step-2 Disable Startup items-
Step-3 Set the paged file settings-
Step-4 Use Graphics specifics for high performance in games-
Step-5 Use Quick CPU-
Step-1 Ultimate Power Plan settings-
To enable ultimate Power plan options on your PC, follow these steps.
1. To begin, type “cmd” into the search box.
2. Then, in the elevated search result, right-click on “Command Prompt ” and select “Run as administrator. ”
The Command Prompt window will open with administrative privileges.
3. Now, copy-paste this command into the CMD window and hit Enter to start a new ultimate power mode.
powercfg -duplicatescheme e9a42b02-d5df-448d-aa00-03f14749eb61
Close the Command Prompt window once you’ve completed the command.
Now let’s choose this newly constructed powerplan, select it, and adjust it as well.
1. To open a Run terminal, press Windows key+R .
2. Type or paste “powercfg.cpl ” into the Run window, then click Enter.
3. Select “Ultimate Performance ” from the Power Options window.
4. To update the power plan options, select “Change plan settings .”
5. Set ‘Turn off the display :‘ to “Never ” in the Edit Plan Settings window.
6. Change the value of “Put the computer to sleep:” to “Never.”
7. Select “Change advanced power settings ” from the drop-down menu.
In the Power Options panel, we’ll now adjust a few parameters.
8. Expand the “Hard disk ” option in the Power Options window.
9. Expand “Turn off hard disk after ” once more, and then set the “Settings(Minutes)” to “0.”
[NOTE – If you’re using a laptop, you could discover more settings in the same window labeled “On Battery :.” Apply the same values to the “Plugged in: ” parameter as you did to the “On Battery: ” parameter.]
10. Expand another parameter, “Desktop background settings ,” and then “Slide Show ” in the same way.
11. Change the “Settings: ” to “Paused ” now.
12. Expand “Wireless Adapter Settings ” now.
13. Expand “Power Saving Mode ” once more, and then change the “Settings ” to “Maximum Performance .”
14. Expand “PCI Express ” and then “Link State Power Management ” if needed.
15. Change the setting to “Off .”
16. Expand “Processor power management ” and then “Minimum processor state ” after that.
17. Change the value of ‘Settings :’ to “100 ” to get the best results.
18. Expand “System cooling policy ” and select “Active ” from the drop-down menu.
19. Expand “Maximum processor state ” and then “Settings( %) ” to “100 ” in the same way.
20. Expand “Display ” and then “Turn off display after ” in the Power Options window.
21. Change the value of the ‘Settings (Minutes) ‘ parameter to “0.”
22. After you’ve made all of your adjustments, click “Apply ” and “OK ” to save the modifications to your computer.
23. Return to the Edit Plan Settings window and click “Save changes ” to save your changes to your computer.
Close the window of the Control Panel.
Step-2 Disable Startup items-
Disabling the startup of superfluous applications on your computer will dramatically improve system performance by reducing boot time.
1. To open the Task Manager window, use Ctrl+Shift+Enter . Go to the “Startup ” tab in Task Manager .
2. Now, right-click any superfluous startup item and select “Disable ” from the drop-down menu.
In the Task Manager window, repeat the process for any superfluous startup items.
Close the Task Manager window once you’ve disabled all unwanted tasks.
The booting time will be greatly reduced as a result of this procedure.
Step-3 Set the paged file settings-
Unused disk space can be used as virtual memory for your computer.
1. To open the Run window on your computer, press Windows key+R .
2. To open System Properties , type “sysdm.cpl ” in the Run window and press Enter
3. Select the “Advanced ” tab in the System Properties box.
4. Select “Settings ” from the “Performance ” menu.
5. Navigate to the “Visual Effects ” tab.
6. Check both of these options “Show thumbnail instead of icons ” and the option “Smooth edge of screen fonts “.
7. Select the “Advanced ” tab in the Performance Options box.
8. Change the setting for “Adjust for best performance of:” to “Program .”
9. To adjust the paged file size, go to the ‘Virtual memory ‘ section and click “Change .”
10. Uncheck the option “Automatically manage paging file size for all drives ” in the Virtual Memory window.
You can now use any storage choice (Windows disk or SSD drive) as paged file resources.
(To achieve the greatest results, we recommend going with an SSD.)
11. If you want to free up space on your Windows drive by removing paging files, follow these steps:-
a. Select the “C: ” drive.
b. Choose “No paging size “.
c. Choose “Set ” to set it.
13. If a warning notice appears, select “Yes ” to confirm the modification.
14. When you’re finished setting up page files, click “OK .”
15. To save the changes, click “Apply ” and then “OK ” in the Performance Options window.
16. Finally, to save the changes on your computer, click “Apply ” and then “OK .”
You have now successfully expanded your system’s virtual RAM.
Step-4 Use Graphics specifics for high performance in games-
To get the greatest results, you can set your games to use a higher quantity of graphical resources.
1. To access the Settings window on your computer, press Windows key+I .
2. Select “Gaming ” from the drop-down menu to access the gaming options.
3. Click on “Graphics settings ” under “Related settings ” to enter graphics settings.
4. Select “Browse ” from the drop-down menu.
5. Now navigate to the file folder where the game is installed on your computer, select the.exe file (the game file), and then click “Add .”
(In this scenario, I’ve chosen the file “starwarsjedifallenorder” from my PC.)
6. You will now be able to see the game you picked in the Graphics settings box.
7. Select the game and then select “Options .”
8. Select “High Performance ” from the Graphics Specifications panel.
9. To save the settings, click “Save .”
Now, using the approach, add any game and set it to ‘High performance. ‘
Close the Settings window.
Step-5 Use Quick CPU-
To get the most performance out of your computer’s CPUs, use Quick CPU .
1. Download a Quick CPU from this source and install it on your PC.
2. Go to the download location on your computer after you’ve finished downloading the file.
3. Save the file to your PC and extract it.
4. To launch the setup file, double-click on “QuickCpuSetup .”
5. Click “Next ” in the Quick CPU Setup window.
6. Select “I accept the terms in the License Agreement “ from the drop-down menu.
7. Now press the “Next ” button.
8. Finally, press the “Install ” button to begin the installation procedure.
9. Finally, click “Finish ” to complete the installation.
The Quick CPU will start up automatically.
10. Set the ‘Core parking index ‘ to “100% ” in the Quick CPU panel.
11. Set the ‘Turbo boost index ‘ to “100% ” and the ‘Frequency scaling index ‘ to “100% “ as well.
12. Finally, click “Apply ” to save your changes on your computer.
If you’re doing this on a laptop, you’ll need to complete these instructions as well-
a. Select “On battery ” from the drop-down menu under “System power state. ”
b. Change the value of the ‘Core parking index ‘ to “100%. ”
c. Similarly, set the “Turbo boost index ” and “Frequency scaling index ” to “100% .”
d. To save the modifications to your computer, click “Apply .”
Shut down the Quick CPU window.
To save all of the changes you’ve just made, restart your computer.
These are the procedures to follow in order to optimize your computer and get the most out of it.
In this video, we are gonna show you how to optimize Windows 10 for gaming increase FPS and performance:
Hope something helps you.