How to Make Chrome Default Browser in Windows 11

In this tutorial, learn how to make Chrome default browser in Windows 11.

When you click on a link, don’t be surprised if another browser appears instead of Chrome.

Every Windows PC comes with pre-installed software to meet all of your basic requirements. Furthermore, default programs frequently have a small footprint and give better overall performance for your laptop than their third-party counterpart.

Nevertheless, Windows 11’s default browser, ‘Microsoft Edge,’ is not a popular choice among consumers. Google Chrome is becoming increasingly popular as a default browser since it is significantly faster and more fluid to use.

Because you’re probably reading this on your least favorite browser, let’s get right to the point and show you how to set Google Chrome as your default browser in Windows 11.

If you haven’t downloaded it yet, below is a quick refresher on how to do so.

Install Google Chrome on Windows 11

To begin, open Microsoft Edge from your Windows 11 PC’s “Start Menu.”

Then go to and click the ‘Download Chrome’ icon in the center of the website.

The ChromeSetup.exe file will be downloaded to your PC. When the download is complete, Edge will display a download banner; select the ‘Access file’ option from the banner box to open the directory in Item Explorer where the file was downloaded.

Next, double-click the ChromeSetup.exe file in the file explorer and follow the on-screen directions to install Google Chrome.

Make Chrome Your Default Browser in Windows 11

You can set Chrome as your default browser in two ways: through your Settings app and through the browser itself. Let’s take a look at each of them.

Set Chrome as Default from Windows Settings

By bringing all of your default programs together in one spot, Windows 11 has made it a lot easier to alter them. Once you know where to look, it’s as simple as it gets.

Firstly, at the bottom of your screen, click on the ‘Start Menu’ from the taskbar.

Then, from the menu, select the ‘Settings’ app. Alternatively, you can enter the ‘Settings’ program by pressing the Windows + I shortcut on your keyboard.

Then, click on the ‘Apps’ option from the left panel on the Settings screen.

After that, choose ‘Default apps’ tile present on the ‘Apps’ settings screen.

On the next page, you can either search for a specific file type to make Chrome your default app or search for the ‘Chrome’ app and pick the file types it should open by default.

To change the default app to Chrome according to a file/link type, Enter your preferred file type in the search bar located at the top of the window. For example, we’ll utilize the.html file type, which is the internet’s standard format for web pages.

The current default program for opening the file type entered will now appear on the screen.

To change the default app for .html files to Chrome, go to the search bar and click on the current default app for the file type.

Then, from the overlay menu, select ‘Google Chrome’ and click ‘OK’ to confirm and apply.

Though this is a convenient approach to change the default app if you want to keep several default apps for the same family of file types, it is not the greatest option if you want to cover the entire range of file types supported by it.

To change the default app to Chrome for all of the supported file/link types, You can either use the search bar on the ‘Default Apps’ settings screen to look for the Chrome app, or scroll down and look for it manually.

After you’ve found the Chrome app, click it to see the different file types it supports. For example, we scrolled down the list and found the ‘Google Chrome’ app.

On the following screen, you’ll see a list of all the file types that Chrome supports.

Click the individual default app option under each extension on the screen to set Chrome as the default app for each file or link type it supports.

Then, from the overlay menu, select the ‘Google Chrome’ app and click ‘OK’ to confirm and apply.

You must now repeat this procedure for each file extension or link type that you wish Google Chrome to open by default.

Set Chrome as Default from Chrome Settings Itself

You don’t have to go into detail if you’re unfamiliar with Windows 11 settings and don’t want to. Chrome, for example, provides a convenient solution for it from within the browser.

To do so, go to the Start Menu, Windows Taskbar, or your desktop and select the ‘Chrome’ icon.

In the upper right corner of your screen, click on the kebab menu (three vertical dots).

Then, from the overflow menu, click on “Settings” option.

Next, on the left section of the Chrome window, click on the ‘Default browser’ option.

Click on the ‘Make default’ button present on the screen right away.

The ‘Default Apps’ box in the system ‘Settings’ will open once you click the ‘Make default’ button in Chrome. You can select to make Chrome your default option based on the file/link type, or you can go to the ‘Chrome’ app menu and make it default for all supported file formats.

To set Chrome as the default app by file/link type, enter your favorite file type in the search bar located at the top of the page. For example, we’ll utilize the https link type, which covers nearly all links that lead to a website.

Under the search bar, tap on the current default app tile.

Choose Google Chrome from the overlay menu now and click ‘OK’ to confirm and apply.


To make Chrome default for all the supported file types, to find the app you want, either use the search bar or scroll down. (For example, we’re utilizing the search bar right now.)

From the search results, tap on the Chrome app tile.

On the following screen, you’ll see a list of all the file types that Chrome supports.

Change the default app to Chrome by clicking on the individual default app option under each file type on the screen.

Then, from the overlay menu, select Google Chrome and then ‘OK’ to confirm and apply.

You must now repeat the procedure for each file/link type that you want to open in Google Chrome.

In this video, we are gonna show you how to make Chrome your default browser in Windows 11:

That’s all there is to it; Google Chrome is now your default browser on Windows 11.

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