How to fix “Your graphics card driver is outdated” error in Nox App Player

Have you ever receive Nox Player error with the message which reads “Your graphics card driver is outdated, you may fail to start NoxPlayer” when you are using Nox App Player.

If you are bothered by this error, don’t worry. Try the methods provided in this article, and you may be able to get rid of it.

How to solve “Your graphics card driver is outdated” error

Most of you may solve the issue by updating graphics driver. Here is a useful tool we recommend you to use: Driver Easy.

1. First, download and install Driver Easy on your computer. Download Driver Easy.

2. Open the Driver Easy and click the Scan button to perform a full scan on your computer.

3. If your graphics card driver is detected as outdated, click the Update button in the right to update it.

4. Restart your computer to let the update take effect.

After restarting, the error should be resolved when you launch the App.

Checkout this video to illustrate this guide:

Hope something helps you.

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