How To Fix x360ce “Failed to load xinput1_3.dll”

In this article, we will show you how you can fix a very common error on the application x360ce (Which is a Xbox 360 emulator Program on PC). The error we are going to fix today would be the ” Failed to load xinput1_3.dll ” error or other words known as error 0x80004005.

System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005)

Normally with errors codes like ” Failed to load xinput1_3.dll” or 0x80004005 it usually means that the program (x360ce) is missing a file or a piece of its framework to be able to function.

You can refer how to fix missing DLL files in Windows 10 from this tutorial.

This can be easily resolved by downloading and installing some framework required for x360ce to work.

How To Fix x360ce “Failed to load xinput1_3.dll”

1. Download Required Files:

2. Install the file Microsoft Visual C++2013 x86

Note: Make sure you download the x86 version.

If vcredist_x86 did not fix the x360ce error, then you would need to see if your missing any requirements that is needed for x360ce to run. Please check the list below if you have all the required programs on your computer for x360ce to run properly.

  • .NET 3.5 (also includes two.0 and 3.0) (included in Windows 7)
  • .NET 4.0 (link to Four.6, also adds Four.0) (included in Windows 8 and 10)
  • DirectX End-User Runtime (June 2010) (required, regardless of the operating system)
  • Visual C ++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2013
  • ALL must be started and restarted.
  • Run x360ce.exe as an administrator

Checkout following video for live illustration of this method:

That’s about it.

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