Learn how to deal with “The program can’t start because mfc100.dll is missing from your computer” error on Windows 10/8/7.
The mfc100.dll error message you receive on Windows 10/8/7 may be caused by some reasons. In most cases, mfc100.dll errors could indicate a virus or malware issue, a registry problem or even a hardware failure.

There are several different ways that mfc100.dll errors can appear on your Windows PC. Here are some of the more common ways that the error message appears on the screen:
- This program can’t start because mfc100.dll is missing from your computer.
- The file mfc100.dll is missing.
- Mfc100.dll Not Found.
- This application failed to start because mfc100.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.
- Cannot find (path)\mfc100.dll.
- Cannot start (program). A required component is missing: mfc100.dll. Please install (program) again.
Mfc100.dll error messages might happen while installing or using certain programs, when Windows shuts down or starts, or maybe even during a Windows installation. If you’re also facing this problem, you can refer below mentioned suggestions and check if they help:
You may also like: How to fix any DLL errors in Windows 10/8/7
How to Fix Mfc100.dll Not Found or Missing Errors
Method 1. Download Microsoft Visual C++ Service Redistributable Package
First, you need to go and download Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package MFC Security Update and run it.
Notes: Select the correct version to install depending on the operating system you have. If you need the 32-bit version, download the file named vcredist_x86.exe. The 64-bit version is named vcredist_x64.exe.
This will replace or repair the mfc100.dll with the most recent copy provided by Microsoft.
If you receive “The Program Can’t Start Because mfc100u.dll Is Missing From Your Computer” error message, this post is useful for you.
Method 2. Scan your system for malware
Several mfc100.dll errors could be related to a malware or virus infection on your Windows PC that has damaged your DLL files.
1. Launch the antivirus you have on your Windows 7, 8, 10 operating systems.
2. Scan for any virus or malware problems. Note: Run a scan of the entire system.
Method 3. Reinstall the program
You can try to reinstall the program caused to the mfc100.dll error. If one of these errors occurs when you use a particular program, reinstalling that program might help.
VIDEO TUTORIAL: How to Fix MFC100.dll Missing Error
Hope something helps you.