How To Fix CSGO Crashing in Windows 11/10

CS:GO crashes on your computer? Don’t be concerned. While this can be an irritating problem, it’s usually not difficult to resolve…

How to fix CS:GO crashing in Windows 11/10

All of the screenshots in this article are from Windows 10, however the solutions are equally applicable to Windows 8.1 and 7. Make sure your machine has at least 4GB of RAM installed.

Simply work your way down the list until you have CS:GO back up and running:

  1. Update your graphics driver
  2. Stop overclocking your GPU
  3. Verify integrity of game files
  4. Launch CSGO in -autoconfig or -safe mode
  5. Reacquire all CSGO game files
  6. Change fastprox.dll to fastprox.dllold

Fix 1: Update your graphics driver

This issue can arise if you’re running an out-of-date or incorrect graphics driver. As a result, you should upgrade your graphics driver to see if the problem is resolved. If you don’t have the time, patience, or skills to manually update the driver, Driver Easy can do it for you.

Driver Easy will automatically detect your system and locate the appropriate drivers. You don’t need to know what operating system your machine is running, you don’t need to be concerned about downloading the wrong driver, and you don’t need to be concerned about making a mistake during installation. Driver Easy handles it all.

With either the Free or Pro version of Driver Easy, you may update your drivers automatically. However, with the Pro version, it only takes two clicks (with full support and a 30-day money back guarantee):

1) Download Driver Easy and install it.

2) Launch Driver Easy and select Scan Now. After that, Driver Easy will check your computer for any problematic drivers.


3) Select Update All to download and install the right version of ALL missing or out-of-date drivers on your system (this requires the Pro version; you’ll be prompted to upgrade when you select Update All).

4) To make the modifications take effect, restart your computer.

5) Restart CS:GO and see if it fails again. Congratulations if it doesn’t! If the problem persists, proceed to Fix 2 below.

Fix 2: Stop overclocking your GPU

If you want a faster and smoother game performance, overclocking the GPU is a fantastic method to try. However, increasing it too far may result in the game crashing.

If you’ve ever overclocked your GPU and had CS:GO crashes, try reducing it to the default level. If it doesn’t work, or if it doesn’t help the situation, try Fix 3.

Fix 3: Verify integrity of game files

If any files in your game installation are corrupt or have been destroyed as a false positive by antivirus tools, you may experience CSGO crashing. So you can check the game files for integrity to see if it resolves the problem.

To do so, follow these steps:

1) Go to LIBRARY in Steam.

2) Locate Counter -Strike: Global Offensive in your list of games and right-click on it, then select Properties.


4) Wait for the cache verification in the game to complete.

5) Exit Steam by closing all of the windows.

6) Restart Steam, then launch CS:GO to see if the crashing issue has been resolved. If the CSGO crashing problem persists, continue to Fix 4 below.

Fix 4: Launch CSGO in -autoconfig or -safe mode

You may also try running CSGO in another mode to see if the crashing problem goes away. The -autoconfig and -safe modes are recommended here.

Note: Only ONE of these launch options can be used at a time. You’ll need to deactivate these modes after the game’s crashing issues have been rectified.

Launch CSGO in -autoconfig mode:

Launch CSGO in -safe mode:

Launch CSGO in -autoconfig mode:

1) Go to LIBRARY in Steam.

2) Locate and right-click Counter-Strike: Global Offensive in your list of games, then select Properties.


4) Remove ALL of the launch options that are currently shown.

5) Enter -autoconfig and choose OK.

6) Shut down Steam.

7) Restart CS:GO to see if the crashing problem has been repaired.

Launch CSGO in -safe mode:

1) Go to LIBRARY in Steam.

2) Locate Counter-Strike: Global Offensive in your list of games and right-click on it, then select Properties.


4) Remove ALL launch options that are currently shown.

5) Enter -safe and then click OK.

6) Shut down Steam.

7) Restart CS:GO to see if the crashing problem has been repaired. If you answered yes, congratulations! If you’re still having trouble, proceed on to Fix 5, which is listed below.

Fix 5: Reacquire all CSGO game files

1) Shut down Steam.

2) Click the Windows logo key and E simultaneously on your keyboard, then copy and paste C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam into the address bar and press Enter.

3) Rename the folder steamapps to old_steamapps.

4) Restart Steam and play the game again.

5) After the installation is finished, check to see if the CSGO crashing problem has been resolved:

  • If this resolves the issue:  copy the updated files to the old_steamapps folder and rename it to steamapps to restore your other games without having to reinstall them.
  • If this fails to resolve the issue: you can rename the folder to avoid having to reinstall the rest of the games. Then continue on to Fix 6, which is listed below.

Fix 6: Change fastprox.dll to fastprox.dllold

1. Press the Windows logo key and E at the same time on your keyboard, then navigate to View > Options > Change folder and search options.

2. Uncheck the box next to Hide extensions for known file types on the View tab. Then click OK > Apply.

3. Press the Windows logo key and E at the same time on your keyboard, then copy and paste C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wbem into the address bar and hit Enter.

4. Fastprox.dll should be renamed to fastprox.dllold.

5. Restart your game, and I hope you’re having fun right now.

How have the solutions listed above aided you in troubleshooting? Do you have any suggestions or ideas for us? Leave a comment below and let us know what you think.

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