How To Fix COD Warzone Dev Error 6068

In this tutorial, learn how to fix COD Warzone Dev error 6068 in Windows 10.

At this time, some COD Warzone players are still facing Dev Error 6068. Since the introduction of Warzone, this problem has been impacting a large number of customers. If you are experiencing this issue on your computer, this guide may be able to assist you in resolving it.

See more: How To Fix COD Warzone Error Code 6 Or Diver

What is COD Warzone Dev Error 6068?

Dev Error 6068 is a prevalent problem in Call of Duty Warzone, and it’s one of the more common ones we’ve heard about. This issue commonly occurs when your computer’s gaming drivers are out of current or when Windows is not corrupted.

In some circumstances, customers stated that they were able to resolve the issue after successfully reinstalling the game bar without making any system changes. This could indicate that the error is caused by a one-of-a-kind random flaw in the game files.

Unlike other Call of Duty Dev Errors, this issue is unlikely to be caused by a bad internet connection or a network-related fault.

What are the reasons for COD Warzone Dev Error 6068?

We’ve gathered a list of likely causes over the course of several months since certain Warzone gamers began reported the issue to us:

Outdated software.

When COD Warzone is installed on a machine running an earlier version of Windows 10, Dev issues like 6068 can occur. If you wish to enjoy a geforce experience while playing Warzone, make sure your PC’s operating system is properly updated.

Game drivers need updates.

After updating graphics card drivers, several cases of Dev Error 6068 were resolved. After you’ve updated your computer’s OS and had a geforce encounter, make sure you look for GPU drivers.

Random game bug.

Random glitches and faults may occur in software and games from time to time. It’s possible that Warzone Dev Error 6068 is caused by a random issue with the game itself if it doesn’t happen regularly.

You should keep your PC’s software environment up to date all of the time to reduce the risks of random faults.
This entails running the most recent versions of the operating system and graphics hardware at all times.

Damaged game files.

Another major source of many game issues is corrupted or damaged game files. You may need to delete and reinstall the game if Directx experienced an unrecoverable fault, which is creating Error 6068 on your PC. Make sure you’re using the most recent version. Check your task manager to see whether the game has abruptly shut off.

Interference third party programs.

A few Warzone players have reported us that after installing a new application on their PC, their game started acting strangely. Try to remember if you installed a new program recently. If you did, try uninstalling it from your computer to see if it fixes the Warzone Dev Fault 6068 or if you’ve run into an unrecoverable error. If Directx encounters an unrecoverable error, this may also help. Validation can be found in your task manager.

How to fix COD Warzone Dev Error 6068?

There are a few tried and true ways to fix Warzone Dev Error 6068. Check out the options below to see if one of them can assist you in resolving your issue or if you’ve encountered an unrecoverable error.

 1. Install updates.

As previously said, keeping your software and games up to date may aid in the resolution of issues. You should check for updates on the following items:


-Windows OS


2. Modify VideoMemoryScale option.

By altering the value of the VideoMemoryScale option, a Warzone player was able to fix Dev Error 6068. Here’s how you can do it:

– Navigate to your File Explorer.
– Navigate to Documents\Call of Duty Modern Warfare\players
– Go to adv_options.ini file using Notepad.
– Locate the line that says VideoMemoryScale and change the value to 0.5.

3. Force the game to re-update.

On the official Activision forum, one user offered this workaround. Individual files in the main Call of Duty Modern Warfare installation folder are deleted in this possible solution. Here’s how to do it:

-If you have the Call of Duty Warzone game active, close it.

-Go to the folder where you installed Call of Duty Modern Warfare. The default installation path is C:\Program Files (x86), but if you have a different installation path, it may be different.

– Open the Call of Duty Modern Warfare folder once you’ve located it.

– Except for Blizzardbrowser, Data, and Main, delete all files in the folder.

– Restart the game by using a client to launch it.

– If you see an error stating that the game is corrupt, choose the update option.

4. Delete the Data folder.

The game can also be forced to update itself by deleting only the Data folder and leaving all other directories and files intact. Here’s how to do it:

-If you have the Call of Duty Warzone game open, close it.

-Go to the folder where you installed Call of Duty Modern Warfare. The default installation path is C:\Program Files (x86), but if you have a different installation path, it may be different.

-Open the Call of Duty Modern Warfare folder once you’ve located it.

-Remove the Data folder from your computer.

-Restart the game by using the client to launch it.

-If you receive an error stating that the game is corrupt, select the update option.

5. Run game at 30FPS.

Lowering the Frames Per Second (FPS) of a quick action game like Warzone is hardly a remedy, but it’s worth a go if you’re desperate for a solution to Dev Error 6068. It’s likely that the current FPS settings are too demanding for your machine.
Lower the game’s FPS by performing the following steps:

-Go to Nvidia Control Panel.

-Choose Manage 3D Settings.

-Navigate to Program Settings.

-From the list, choose the game and change the vertical sync to Adaptive Half Refresh Rate.

-Restart the game when you’ve confirmed the changes.

-If feasible, you can also turn off the Nvidia overlay or Geforce experience.

That’s about it.

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