How to Fix ‘An error occurred while updating’ Steam Game

Wondering how you can fix ‘an error occurred while updating’ Steam game?

One of your daily habits is probably getting on your computer for a brief game with the boys, or females. If not, you’re probably de-stressing or taking a break from work, school, or any of the other stresses of adulthood.

Unfortunately, you’ll see the notice “an error occurred while updating” when you try to play a Steam game. Why does this happen, and what can you do about it? A connection problem between Steam’s servers and your PC is frequently the source of this problem.

We’ll walk you through the procedures and methods you can use to try to solve this problem in this article. Here’s how to solve the Steam game that says “an error occurred while updating.”

Let’s get this party started!

  • 1. Clear Steam’s Download Cache.
  • 2. Change Your Download Region.
  • 3. Repair Your Library Folder.
  • 4. Verify Your Game’s Files.
  • 5. Whitelist Steam To Your Firewall.
  • 6. Disable Any Antivirus Programs.
  • 7. Reinstall Steam.
 1. Clear Steam’s Download Cache.

Let’s start with the approaches that need fiddling with your Steam settings. Have you ever noticed that some of your Steam files are larger than others when you open them? When your download speed is 5mbps, how does Steam download a large file?

Because Steam preserves a download cache on your computer, it saves small chunks of a large file until it’s finished. After the enormous file has been downloaded in its entirety, it is merged and saved on your computer as a single large file.

Unfortunately, these files can get corrupted or compromised over time, resulting in issues that may prevent you from downloading completely.

Here’s how to clear the download cache files on Steam:

1. To begin, open the Steam app and go to the Steam button in the upper-left corner of the screen.

2. Select the Settings option.

3. Then go to the Downloads tab and choose the Clear Download Cache option.

You’ll have to connect back into your Steam account and restart the app. Once that’s done, try opening and running the game normally again to see if it works.

2. Change Your Download Region.

Moving on, Steam is a massive corporation with users tuning and signing into its servers from all around the world. As a result, there are a plethora of Steam servers strewn over the internet to provide you with the greatest gaming experience possible.

You’ll be able to download games considerably faster if you connect to a download location that is geographically closer to you. Unfortunately, our connection to these servers may be hacked, therefore we’ll be moving your download server to a different location that’s also close to you in this instance.

Here’s how to alter your Steam account’s download region:

1. Begin by launching the Steam application on your computer.

2. Select Settings from the Steam button in the top-left corner of your screen.

3. Click the Downloads tab and look for Download Region, just like in a previous way.

4. Finally, simply update your download region to a location that is close to your current location.

Change this to a nearby location so you may continue to download rapidly while your connection to the Steam server is refreshed. For good measure, restart your Steam software and verify whether the game can now run.

3. Repair Your Library Folder.

There could be an issue with the software or the process of reading your library folder. Because all of your games are housed in your library, any problems with that folder will cause problems like these.

Fortunately, this process shouldn’t take long and will just allow Steam to correct itself if any faults are discovered. If this approach discovers a problem with your library folder, once it’s rectified, this method should have the best chance of resolving your issue.

Here’s how to get your library folder back in working order:

1. Go to your Settings by going through the Steam button in the top-left corner of your screen when the Steam app is open on your computer.

2. Then, under the Downloads menu, select Steam Library Folders.

3. Look for the library folder in which your game is placed; by default, this list should only contain one entry. Select Repair Library Folder from the context menu when you right-click the folder.

4. Steam will ask you whether you want to use a Command Prompt to fix Steam’s files.

Don’t worry about needing to wait for the Command Prompt to finish because it will terminate automatically. While you wait, you can brew yourself a cup of coffee, which shouldn’t take long. After the fix is complete, you can play the game that was giving you trouble.

4. Verify Your Game’s Files.

The ability to validate your game’s files is a really fantastic function that Steam offered as a utility for its users. You’ll be able to compare your local files to the most recent legitimate version kept on Steam’s servers if you do this.

This is an excellent method for repairing and scouring your game files for any local issues that may exist on your machine. You won’t have to reinstall your games because you can simply validate your files with the most recent version available.

Here’s how to check the files in your game:

1. Open the Steam app on your PC and select Library from the top-left corner of the screen.

2. On the left side of your screen, you should see a list of all the games in your library as well as the ones that are currently installed on your computer. Right-click the game you’re experiencing trouble with. Locate and select Properties from the list.

3. Go to the Local Files tab and select Verify Integrity Of Game Files after you’ve entered the Properties box.

Steam will begin comparing your local files to the legitimate and most recent version on their server, then download any missing records. Hopefully, this information was helpful in resolving the ‘an error occurred while updating’ Steam game issue.

5. Whitelist Steam To Your Firewall.

Although it doesn’t get nearly as much attention as it deserves, your firewall protects you against a variety of network issues. The popular fallacy is that the Windows firewall is ineffective since PCs can still be attacked with viruses even when the firewall is turned on.

Unfortunately, your firewall looks for strange network activity, which in this case is Steam, rather than harmful malware. You can get around the limitation that’s causing your game to crash by adding Steam to your firewall’s whitelist.

You’ll need administrator privileges on your computer before you can use this method. This topic has been explored in full for both Windows and Mac users, so check out our post for more information.

6. Disable Any Antivirus Programs.

Similarly, your third-party antivirus software may be watching your network activities for dangerous activity. It’s worth a chance to disable it for a few minutes only to check whether the game works.

You can also add your game to your antivirus’s whitelist to prevent your AV from preventing you from playing the Steam game. We are unable to provide a comprehensive set of steps to aid you through this process because third-party antivirus applications are all coded and interfaced differently.

You’ll have to search online for instructions on how to disable or add software to your antivirus’s whitelist.

7. Reinstall Steam.

Finally, if you’ve tried everything else and still can’t get your Steam client to work, you may need to reinstall it. You might wait a day before proceeding to ensure that the error is not caused by any server troubles.

Despite the fact that this error does not fall under the category of server-related issues, you can still check the status of Steam’s servers to see whether others are experiencing the same problem. Otherwise, follow these instructions to reinstall Steam on your machine.

In this video, we are gonna show you how to fix an error occurred while updating Steam:

We hope that by the time you’ve finished reading this post, we’ve been able to assist you in resolving the ‘An error occurred when updating’ Steam game issue. If you have any more questions, please share them in the comments section.

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