I’ll teach you how to enable the Transparent Effect or the Acrylic Effect on any Context Menu in Windows 11 in this article.
For those who are unaware, starting with Windows 11, we have a very attractive acrylic effect that is solely applied to the new context menu in Windows 11. If we utilize the classic one, we’ll notice that it merely has a solid color as a background and isn’t really attractive.
I’ll show you a tool made by a Github developer in this article, and you can find the utility’s official Github page by clicking this link.
Disclaimer: When using apps that modify system files, there is always a risk involved, so use this tool at your own risk, after you created a System Restore Point or on a Virtual Machine.
Download AcrylicMenus from Github
Extract the AcrylicMenus-Windows11.zip archive by double-clicking on it. This tool is also compatible with Windows 10.
If you double-click the Injector file, the acrylic effect will be applied to Windows 11’s classic context menu as well.
If you ever want to disable the effect, press any key on the open program and then exit.
This is the finished product.
Create a shortcut to the Injector file if you want the tool to start automatically.
Right-click on it, select Send to, and then Desktop (Create Shortcut).
On your keyboard, press Windows + R and type shell:startup.
Copy and paste the shortcut into that location.
Check this video for more help:
That’s about it.