How To Convert MTS Files To MP4 on Windows 10/8/7 For Free

In this tutorial, learn how to convert MTS Video Files to mp4 on Windows 10/8/7 for free.

How To Convert MTS Video Files to MP4 on Windows 10/8/7

With the free program “Handbrake” you can convert your MTS file to mp4. HandBrake is a tool for converting video from nearly any format to a selection of modern, widely supported codecs.

Reasons you’ll love HandBrake:

– Convert video from nearly any format
– Free and Open Source
– Multi-Platform (Windows, Linux and Mac)

Here a short tutorial

1. To begin, download and install Handbrake on your Windows PC. Click here to download Handbrake for Windows for free.

2. Run Handbrake.

3. In the Handbrake window, click File > Open Source (or press ALT + O) to open Source selection.

4. Choose the video(s) you’d like to encode.

5. Select Format as Mp4. Then click Browse, the Save As window will pop up.

How To Convert MTS File To MP4
convert .mts to mp4

6. Select the location where you want to save the file. Choose MP4 in the Save as Type box and type a name for the video file. Click Save.

7. Click on “Start Encode” button.

Now the HandBrake tool will convert MTS Video(s) to MP4.

We have a video tutorial for converting a MTS file to Mp4 on Windows 10 PC with HandBrake

Hope something helps you.