Fix: Windows Update Cannot Currently Check For Updates In Windows 7/8 or Vista

Learn how to fix “Windows update cannot currently check for updates because the service is not running. You may need to restart your computer” in Windows 7/8 or Vista. This error probably occurs when Windows temporary update folder (SoftwareDistribution folder) is corrupted. To quickly fix this Windows update service not running, follow the below steps in this article.

Fix Windows update cannot currently check for updates because the service is not running
Windows update cannot currently check for updates because the service is not running

Method 1: Fix Windows Update cannot currently check for updates error manually

Step 1. Stop Windows Update Service

1-1. You press Windows Key + R, then type services.msc and tap Enter ( or click OK).


Note: When the User Account Control appears, you click Yes.

1-2. In Services control panel, you need to locate the Windows Update service, right-click it and click Stop.

Windows Update
Note: Don’t exit the services window, proceed to the next step 2.

Read more: How To Fix Windows Update Error 8007000e

Step 2. Rename or Delete Windows update temporary storage folder

2-1. Now you open Windows Explorer and go to: C:\Windows folder.
2-2. Next, you find the “SoftwareDistribution” folder, delete it (or Rename e.g. to “SoftwareDistribution_OLD”).

SoftwareDistribution folder

Step 3. Start Windows Update service

At this step, you go back go back to Windows Services control panel. Then you just right-click on Windows Update service and click Start. Now you try to check for Updates again.

Windows Update Start

Method 2: Download and Install the KB3102810 Update

This method only applies to Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 and Windows 7 SP1. You just download and install the KB3102810 security update, learn more it read here.

That’s it!! If you have any other Windows and Office related issues you can check for the solution in my Windows fix section.