Fix: Intel Graphics Control Panel Missing on Windows 10

Intel Graphics Control Panel missing is one of the common issues that users are getting on Windows 10.

If you are unable to access Intel Graphics Settings from the right-click context menu on your desktop, don’t panic, here’s the workaround to resolve it.

See more: How To Fix NVIDIA Control Panel Missing Problem

How To Fix Intel Graphics Settings Option Missing from the Right Click Context Menu in Windows 10

Method 1. Use a registry fix

1. First, download the registry fix from this source.

2. Unzip/extract this zip file using WinRAR.

3. Browse the location where you have just extracted the file, right-click on the Add_Intel_Graphics_desktop_context_menu registry script and select Merge.

4. You will get a prompt, allow and continue.

Once it is done, go to the desktop and check with right click and you will see Intel Graphics Settings is added.

Method 2. Update your Intel HD Graphics card driver

The simple method to get back the Intel Graphics Control Panel is to manually update its driver. Follow these steps:

1. Open Device Manager. To do that, right-click the Start button, then select Device Manager.

2. In Device Manager, find and expand Display adapters. Now, right-click on the Intel(R) Graphics Control Panel and then select “Update driver“.

3. Click on “Browse my computer for driver software“.

4. Next, click on “Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer“.

5. When a list shows up, choose the latest graphics driver from the various drivers. Click Next.

6. Windows will reinstall that particular driver on your computer.

7. Click on Close to close the console.

Right-click on the desktop and you will be able to see “Intel HD Graphics Settings” on the context menu.

Method 3. Download and install the latest graphics driver

You can download and install the latest graphics driver according to the CPU on your system.

1. Press Windows + R and type “msinfo32” in the dialogue box. Click OK.

2. When the System Information window appears, locate the “Processor” information. Note down it.

3. Visit this site:

4. After that, search for the latest driver for the processor of your system.

For my case, I have searched “Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200 CPU graphics driver“.

5. Moving on, scroll down and click on “Intel Graphics Driver for Windows 10“.

6. Click on “Download” to download the driver on your system.

7. Once the file is downloaded, navigate to the folder that contains the “win64-release_version.exe” file and double-click on the file to run the install process.

8. Once the installation is done, reboot your system.

You can press CTRL+ALT+F12 keys to open Intel Graphics Control Panel.

After restarting your computer, you try to open the Intel(R) Graphics Control Panel.

In this video, we are gonna show you how to restore or fix missing Intel Graphics Settings option from the right-click context menu

Hope something helps you.