How To Fix Enter Network Credentials Error on Windows 11/10

In this tutorial, learn how to fix Enter network credentials error on Windows 11/10.

Are you having trouble connecting your PC to your home network? The majority of consumers have stated that after upgrading to Windows 11, they are stuck with the “Enter network credentials” problem. The following notice appears after this error:

The username or password is incorrect.

When connecting your Windows PC to a network, you’ll need to provide your network credentials. These credentials can be your Microsoft account’s login and password, or just your local account information.

Are you trying to figure out how to get beyond this error message? You’ve arrived in the right location. We’ve included a list of remedies for the “Enter network credentials error” for Windows 11 and Windows 10 devices in this post.

How to Fix the “Enter Network Credentials” Issue on Windows

To avoid being troubled by this alert every time you try to connect your device to a network, use one of the troubleshooting techniques listed below each time you try to connect your device to a network.

1. Clear All Credentials

To begin, we’ll use Windows Credentials Manager to erase all of your saved credentials information. This is what you must do.

Open the default text editor of Windows by typing “Notepad” into the Start menu search box and pressing Enter.

Copy and paste the following content into Notepad:

@echo off

cmdkey.exe /list > "%TEMP%\List.txt"

findstr.exe Target "%TEMP%\List.txt" > "%TEMP%\tokensonly.txt"

FOR /F "tokens=1,2 delims= " %%G IN (%TEMP%\tokensonly.txt) DO cmdkey.exe /delete:%%H

del "%TEMP%\List.txt" /s /f /q

del "%TEMP%\tokensonly.txt" /s /f /q

echo All done


Save the file with the .BAT extension on your desktop after writing this code in Notepad. For instance, you can save it as “ClearCredentials.bat” or any other name you like.

Once the file has been saved, go to the Desktop, right-click on the.BAT file, and choose “Run as Administrator” from the context menu.

All previously saved credentials and other garbage data will be removed when the batch file is run, giving you a new start to connect your PC.

2. Disable the Credential Manager Service

Disabling the Credential Manager Service at startup is the next remedy for the “Enter network credentials error.” When you disable this service, the error warning will no longer appear whenever you try to connect your device to a network. Follow these simple instructions:

To open the Run dialog box, press the Windows + R key combination. In the textbox, type “Services.msc” and press Enter.

Look for the “Credential Manager” service in the Services pane. To open Properties, double-tap on it.

Select “Disabled” for the “Startup type” value in the Credential Manager properties box.

To save the recent changes, press the OK and Apply buttons.

Exit all windows, reboot your device and then reconnect your device to any network to see whether you’re still having problems.

3. Disable Password-Protected Sharing in Network Settings

Only users with a local user account on this PC will be able to access shared files and devices if the password-protected sharing feature is enabled. You can disable the password-protected setting to ensure that other users have the same access. Follow these simple steps to turn off this feature on your Windows device:

Select the “Network and Internet Settings” option from the WiFi icon on the Taskbar.

Choose  “Network and Sharing Center”.

Select “Change Advanced Sharing Settings” from the left menu pane in the Network and Sharing Center window.

To see the full list of possibilities, tap “All Networks.”

Select the “Turn off password protected sharing” option under the “Password Protected Sharing” section.

When you’re finished, touch the bottom-right “Save Changes” button.

4. Add a new Credential in the Windows Credential Manager

Have you tried all of the above-mentioned options and are still having trouble? If none of the above-mentioned alternatives work, you can try adding a new credential to the Windows Credential Manager. This is what you must do:

Start typing “Credentials Manager” into the Start menu search box and pressing Enter.

Press on “Windows Credentials”.

Choose the “Add a Windows Credential” option.

To add a new credential to your home network, type the network’s name, user ID, and password.

After you’ve filled in all of the information, press the OK button.

You can use this new local ID account to connect to the network once you’ve created a new credential.

In this video, we are gonna show you how to fix enter network password credentials in Windows 10:


Here are some options for resolving the “Enter Network Credentials Error” in Windows 11/10. Did any of these workarounds assist you in resolving the problem? Please provide your opinions in the comments section.

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