FIX: Adobe Premiere Pro could not find valid editing modes

In this tutorial, learn how to fix the Premiere Pro editing modes error in Windows 10.

How To Fix Adobe Premiere Pro could not find valid editing modes

1. Install the latest Premiere Pro updates

You’d be surprised to hear how many issues old apps can cause. From compatibility problems with files generated in a newer version, not running at all.

Before we delve into complicated and time-consuming troubleshooting moves, let’s start with the basics. Make sure you’re installing the latest Adobe Premiere Pro version on your computer.

Adobe periodically updates all of its applications, introduces new functionality and addresses old glitches. Perhaps the new fix patches a documented problem that stops people from using the tool.

2. Check your antivirus

Getting a decent antivirus is critical if you want to keep your PC secure from online attacks. However, often your antivirus can interfere with your system and cause problems with some applications.

If you’re getting Adobe Premiere Pro that can’t locate a legitimate edit mode message on your PC, it’s because your antivirus interferes with it.

To check if your antivirus is the issue, launch it and attempt to disable certain functions. After that, check if the issue persists. If that doesn’t succeed, the next move will be to completely disable your antivirus.

This will make your PC insecure, but if you’re using Windows 10, you’ll remain protected by Windows Defender, so there’s no need to panic.

If disabling the antivirus doesn’t help, you might want to try uninstalling your third-party antivirus. Many users have mentioned this issue when using AVG Antivirus or Constant Guard.

If uninstalling your antivirus solves the issue, this might be a perfect time to consider switching to a different antivirus solution.

There are a lot of fantastic antivirus software on the market, but if you want a stable antivirus that won’t mess with your device, Bitdefender may be the best option for you.

Download Bitdefender Antivirus

3. Make sure that the application is completely installed

According to users, if you’re facing Adobe Premiere Pro couldn’t find any valid editing modes message, the issue might be related to the incomplete installation.

Many users indicated that this error appeared due to a missing of the Setting directory in the installation directory.

If this is the case, consider installing Premiere Pro on a separate PC to see if it works. If this is the case, find the Settings directory and copy it to the first PC. After that, Premiere Pro will continues running on your PC.

This is a bit of a crude approach, but it works according to users, so feel free to check it out.

4. Make sure that Adobe Premiere Pro is using your dedicated graphics

Premiere Pro is a hardware-intensive software, and you need a good graphics card to use it. A lot of laptops and some PCs come with both dedicated and embedded graphics.

According to users, Adobe Premiere Pro did not find a legitimate edit mode message since Adobe Premiere Pro was configured to use built-in graphics.

Integrated graphics typically do not have enough hardware capacity to run Adobe Premiere Pro smoothly, and this can contribute to this mistake.

You would need to configure your dedicated graphics as the default processor to fix the issue.

To do that, set your dedicated GPU as the default graphics processor with your graphics card control panel (e.g. Nvidia Control Panel or Catalyst Control Center)

5. Run the application as administrator

Right-click the Adobe Premiere Pro shortcut and choose Propertiesfrom the menu.

When the Properties window opens, navigate to the Compatibility

Now check Run this program as administrator option and click Apply and OK.

After doing so, the program will now start with administrative privileges if you use this shortcut, and the issue will be permanently resolved.

According to users, if you do not have the requisite rights to run Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Premiere Pro cannot find any legitimate editing modes post.

6. Update your graphics card drivers

This problem can often arise, according to users, if the graphics card driver is out of date. To solve the issue, it is advisable that you upgrade your drivers to a new version and check if it works.

To do this, you just need to visit your graphics card manufacturer’s website and find the new drivers for your model.

Once the latest drivers have been downloaded and installed, check if the problem is still present.

7. Change Switchable Graphics in BIOS

This is fairly simple to do, follow these steps:

1. Restart your PC and boot to BIOS.

2. Once entered BIOS, change the Switchable Graphics option from Dynamic to Fixed.

3. Save changes and restart.

According to users, sometimes Adobe Premiere Pro couldn’t find any valid editing modes message can occur due to your BIOS settings.

As we described in one of our previous methods, this problem can be triggered by your integrated graphics, and you need to uninstall it from BIOS in order to fix the problem permanently.

If your PC is restarted, the problem should be fixed forever and Adobe Premiere Pro can start running again.

To see if the graphics card in the BIOS can be disabled properly, we recommend that you review your laptop’s manual for specific guidance.

8. Reinstall Adobe Premiere Pro

If you are facing Adobe Premiere Pro couldn’t find any valid editing modes message while trying to launch Adobe Premiere Pro, the problem is most likely related to a corrupted installation.

To fix the error, it is recommended that you totally uninstall Adobe Premiere Pro from your PC and then update it again.

There are many ways to do this, but the most efficient way to do this is to use uninstaller apps such as Your Uninstaller.

Through using this program, you can fully delete the chosen application along with all of its files and registry entries. Once the program has been disabled, install it and verify if the bug is still present.

Hope something helps you.

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