Error code 80070103 (Windows Update Error Code 80070103) is a common problem that many users Windows OS encounter while they are trying to install the latest Windows update. The error code 80070103 means that you already have the driver installed or the driver that’s being installed has a lower compatibility rating than the one you have. In this tutorial, I will share you a few solutions to fix this 80070103 error.

Fix: Windows Update Error Code 80070103
Method 1: Update Ethernet driver
If you want to fix error code 80070103, you make sure that all device driver are up-to-date and working properly. In this case, you should go to manufacturer’s support website to download and install the latest driver.
Step 1. First of all, you go to your Ethernet manufacturer site, and download the latest driver.
Step 2. You run CCleaner’s registry scan then cleaner, learn more it here.
Step 3. Then you restart your computer.
Step 4. After restarting your computer, you remove your current Ethernet driver that’s causing the issue.
Step 5. You restart your computer again.
Step 6. Now you install Install the latest driver you’ve just downloaded.
Step 7. Finally, you restart your computer and check if the Windows update error code 80070103 resolved.
Method 2: Hide the update
You should be able to fix Windows update error code 80070103 by hiding the update. This way will prevent Windows Update from trying to install. To do that, follow these steps:
Step 1. First of all, you open Windows Update, then select Check for updates.
Step 2. Next, you click the Optional updates are available link.
Step 3. Then, you click Optional.
Step 4. In the Select the updates you want to install section, you will right-click the update that you need to hide, then click Hide update and click OK.
Step 5. Finally, you click to install remaining updates, then click OK and restart your computer.
These are all methods that help you fix Windows Update Error Code 80070103. If you have any other Windows and Office related issues you can check for the solution in my Windows fix section.