Whenever you try to export my AE projects to media encoder, you receive an error message (Adobe Media Encoder is not installed). Even when you install Adobe Media Encoder, here is a hint “AEGP Plugin AEDynamicLinkServer:”, so how can you fix After Effects AEGP Plugin AEDynamicLinkServer error?
Part 1. Error Message “Adobe Media Encoder is not installed”?
Part 2. Why does this After Effects AEGP Plugin Error Come out?
Part 3. How to Fix After Effects AEGP Plugin AEDynamicLinkServer Error?
Have You Encountered the Error Message “Adobe Media Encoder is not installed”?
Q1: I recently opened my .aep project file in After Effects, added some text animations, and desired to convert the movie as H.264. However, I received the following issue when I selected Add to Adobe Media Encoder Queue:
AEGP Plugin AEDynamicLinkServer: Adobe Media Encoder is not installed. Please download and install it to use this feature. Go to https://creative.adobe.apps. (5027:: 12)
After clicking OK, a new problem message appeared:
AEGP Plugin AEDynamicLinkServer: Failed to connect to Adobe Media Encoder. (5027::12)
So, how do I resolve the AEDynamicLinkServer problem in the After Effects AEGP Plugin? All I want to do is convert my .aep project to MP4 H.264.
Q2: Error Code: -1609629690 Err Can someone please assist me with rendering/exporting from Premiere Pro CC?
A: We see a lot of inquiries like this on the Q&A platforms and the official forum all the time. If you’re having the same issue, read this post to figure out what’s causing “AEGP AEDynamicLinkServer” and how to fix it.
Making Your Videos to other Formats
Although Adobe After Effects can convert video formats, it only supports a few. Converting your videos with HD Video Converter Factory Pro is a superior option. It can convert numerous videos at once in high quality and at a quick rate. Download it and give it a shot!
Why does this After Effects AEGP Plugin Error Come out?
In most cases, the Adobe After Effects plugins problem is caused by one of three factors.
1. Adobe Media Encoder isn’t installed on your computer.
2. After Effects and Adobe Media Encoder versions are incompatible.
3. The unified C drive software default directory, C:/Program Files/Adobe, does not contain After Effects or Adobe Media Encoder.
Let’s look at how to fix the After Effects AEGP plugin error now that we know what’s causing it.
How to Fix After Effects AEGP Plugin AEDynamicLinkServer Error?
The first two examples are simple to resolve; simply download and install Adobe Media Encoder from the Creative Cloud (https://www.adobe.com/creativecloud/desktop-app.html). It’s worth noting that After Effects and Adobe Media Encoder versions should be the same.
Because the current version of After Effects and Adobe Media Encoder are installed by default in the C:/Program/FilesAdobe directory, the third case is actually no longer available. However, for those who are having issues with older versions, we will show you how to repair the problem without having to remove and reinstall.
Follow the procedures below if your After Effects is on the C drive and Adobe Media Encoder is on a different drive:
Step 1: To resolve the AEGP Plugin AEDynamicLinkServer issue, verify the versions of After Effects and Adobe Media Encoder to ensure that they are both up to date.
Step 2: Open the Command Prompt as administrator by typing “cmd” into the search box.
Step 3: Type the following command into your terminal:
mklink /J “(your system drive letter):\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Media Encoder CC (version)” “(your customized location drive letter):\Adobe\ Adobe Media Encoder CC (version)”
For example,
mklink /J “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Media Encoder 2018” “F:\Adobe\Adobe Adobe Media Encoder CC 2018”
Step 4: After pressing enter. Here’s a hint: “Junction formed for C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Media Encoder CC 2018 <<—>> F:\Adobe\ Adobe Media Encoder CC 2018.”
Step 5: Close Command Prompts and relaunch Adobe After Effects to see if the AEGP Plugin AEDynamicLinkServer issue has been repaired.
Now you know why “AEGP Plugin AEDynamicLinkServer” and “Adobe Media Encoder Not Installed” occur and how to fix them. If you find this post useful, please feel free to share it with your friends.